Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Aladdin, Musselburgh - Four star review from TV Bomb

Colin Carr as Widow Twankey and Scott Hoatson as Wishee Washee
Pic: Bill Mackellar

Aladdin, Musselburgh - Even gets a mention in this sports report


Aladdin, Musselburgh - Great review from East Lothian Courier

Derek McGhie as Aladdin and Julie Heatherill as Princess Blossom
Pic: Bill Mackellar


Aladdin, Musselburgh - Five Star Edinburgh Evening News Review

Edward Cory as Abanazar and Scott Hoatson as Wishee Washee
Pic: Bill Mackellar

Aladdin, Musselburgh - The List Preview


Aladdin, Musselburgh - Meet Colin Carr aka Widow Twankey

Scott Hoatson as Wishee Washee and Colin Carr Widow Twankey
Pic: Bill Mackellar