Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Mother Goose, Musselburgh falls foul of Snow White... sorry white snow.

After four performances where schools audiences failed to turn up thanks to the heavy snow falls, the cast of Mother Goose return to the stage tomorrow - although they did do a run of the show today without an audience, just to keep in shape.

So, all going to plan, there should be audiences for the 10am and 2pm shows tomorrow. If you are in the area and off work because of the weather, and find yourself at a loose end, there are tickets still available, call 0131-665 2240

In the meantime, here's a pic of our leading lady to brighten your day, the lovely Julie Heatherill who plays Jill, the bonniest lass in Musselburgh - her fourth consecutive principal girl role at the Brunton Theatre.

Her previous roles were Cinderella (2007), Sleeping Beauty (2008) and Coral, the Little Mermaid (2009).

Mother Goose - Musselburgh : Edinburgh Evening News Review

Josie Balfour's **** review can be found here: http://news.scotsman.com/reviews/Review-Mother-Goose--Brunton.6644314.jp 

Of course, if you buy the paper today, you'll also get a big colour pic of Arron Usher as Muddles.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Mother Goose - Musselburgh : Invasion of the reviewers.

Usually, the Brunton panto finds reviewers popping up at just about any performance bar the press one. Not this year. On Saturday, we welcomed no fewer than eight reviewers to Mother Goose, although one of them did turn up for the matinee - the Daily Record, read the review in Friday's paper.

So, for the Gala Performance we had the Edinburgh Evening News, The Scotsman, East Lothian Courier, The Stage, The Primary Times, Leith FM and The Times - which just happens to be the first to publish.

It's in today's edition... check it out if you can get a copy. If you want to read it online there's a charge, but you can find it here:

Not sure I agree that we are the Primark of pantos... but then it is The Times, awfy fantoosh, and we don't have Sir Ian McKellen as our Dame ;o)

Tomorrow, you can read Josie Balfour's review in the Edinburgh Evening News.


Friday, 26 November 2010

Mother Goose, Musselburgh - First Impressions

Ahead of tomorrow's Gala Performance, here are a few production shots to give you a glimpse of what lies in store... enjoy.

 Craig Glover as Gertie Gaga and Edward Cory as Vainglorious, the Demon King

Arron Usher as Muddles and Craig Glover as Gertie Gaga 

Julie Heatherill as Jill and Gerry Kielty as Prince Jack 

Arron Usher as Muddles, in his tenth Brunton panto

Thursday, 25 November 2010

New Posters For Dick Whittington - Johnstone

Johnstone Phoenix Theatre Group have produced a set of eight new colourful posters for their production of Dick Whittington, which opens on Saturday.

Just thought I'd share them with you...

Mother Goose Gala - Saturday 27 November

Julie Heatherill as Jill, Arron Usher as Muddles and Edward Cory as Vainglorious, the Demon King.
Pic: Bill Mackellar

Well, Mother Goose at Musselburgh's Brunton Theatre is well and truly up and running now - six down, 59 to go, including Saturday's Gala Performance.

Forth 2's Bob Malcolm joined the fun today, this year adding his familiar tones to a song...

Today, also saw our first ever non-stop panto. No interval, just a straight one and a half hour performance, with some judicious cuts along the way. The customer is always right, it seems.

Anyway, there are a few tickets still available for Saturday's Gala, call the box office on 0131 665 2240 now to avoid disappointment.


Friday, 19 November 2010

Dick Whittington - Johnstone

If you are in Johnstone, check out Johnstone Phoenix Theatre Club's production of my new Dick Whittington. Performances are 7.30pm nightly, from Saturday, November 27 to Saturday, December 4 (not Sunday, November 28).
Saturday matinees at 2pm.
Tickets £8.50 (£7.50), call 07748 827 727 or visit johnstonephoenix.moonfruit.com