Usually, the Brunton panto finds reviewers popping up at just about any performance bar the press one. Not this year. On Saturday, we welcomed no fewer than eight reviewers to Mother Goose, although one of them did turn up for the matinee - the Daily Record, read the review in Friday's paper.
So, for the Gala Performance we had the Edinburgh Evening News, The Scotsman, East Lothian Courier, The Stage, The Primary Times, Leith FM and The Times - which just happens to be the first to publish.
It's in today's edition... check it out if you can get a copy. If you want to read it online there's a charge, but you can find it here:
Not sure I agree that we are the Primark of pantos... but then it is The Times, awfy fantoosh, and we don't have Sir Ian McKellen as our Dame ;o)
Tomorrow, you can read Josie Balfour's review in the Edinburgh Evening News.